- 08:52 Have defected from Dog River in favour of fair trade Doppio (@ Doppio Coffee & Lounge) 4sq.com/61p2mM #
- 09:22 Apparently just a few tickets left for my Nat Geo lectures in Seattle: bit.ly/21P6m1 #
- 12:25 At least it looks like pirate attack is one thing I don't have to worry about on this stage of the row: bit.ly/cZUf3f #
- 12:30 Maybe I'll run into the Plastiki on the Pacific this year? bit.ly/cKbHxk #
- 15:52 No, I Said Tycoon, Not Typhoon…. ff. im/-gFRGY #
- 17:06 Full moon tonight. bit.ly/9dmaPL. Any spooky full moon magic happening where you are?! #
- 17:45 Am watching Cast Away. bit.ly/9Pbxkh. Felt like I needed a Wilson refresher course. And hoping I don't end up cast away myself. #
- 17:52 The Plastiki is christened. Bon voyage to her and all who save the world in her! bit.ly/dbyxE6 #
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
Saturday, 27 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 07:29 Love Dog River, but they always run out of muffins! (@ Dog River Coffee Co) 4sq.com/4sitWC #
- 07:36 TwitCause is supporting Mariska's TheJHF. They can win $250k from #PepsiRefresh for survivors of abuse & violence: bit.ly/ctCfzG #
- 07:46 Encouraged to see the wealthy of the world investing in a cleaner, greener future: bit.ly/YaKCe #
- 14:43 Good nosh! And good value. Post-@wendmag meal. (@ Justa Pasta Co) 4sq.com/5A62EP #
- 17:04 Rules on pilgrims returning to Fiji with holy wa ter. bit.ly/df19hW Not helping me work out if they'll confiscate expedition meals. #
- 21:53 Thanks, @wendmag, for a wonderful evening of friends, fun, and putting the world to rights! #
Friday, 26 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 08:54 Having one of those discombobulating, difficult days. Coffee shop therapy. (@ Dog River Coffee Co) 4sq.com/4sitWC #
- 10:01 Anyone going from US mainland to Tarawa in near future? UPS want to charge $1100 to ship my supplies of nuts... #
- 10:34 In The Stroke Seat ff.im/-gyDbd #
- 10:38 I just became a TwitCause Star to support nonprofit causes on Twitter every week with my tweets, you can too here: bit.ly/dzpNET #
- 10:39 I just became a TwitCause Star to support nonprofit causes on Twitter every week with my tweets, yo u can too here: bit.ly/9uxB3s #
- 15:16 Got message: "Twitter is stressing out a bit right now, so this feature is temporarily disabled." Twitter isn't the only one... #
- 18:35 Just had some much-needed very good news! €5,000 pledged by a corporate sponsor in Belgium. More news as soon as confirmed! #
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 01:01 Long chat with ocean rower Mick Bird. Thursday Island starting to look more desirable as destination for Pacific III. #
- 06:01 Ocean rower capsizes in Tasman Sea: bit.ly/8XkTwu #
- 06:03 RT @Surfrider Plastic Bag Ban Dies In Committee. Comments from @Surfrider and the future of plastic bag bans in OR bit.ly/cTwZFO #sad #
- 09:44 Interesting session on marine plastic pollution at Ocean Sciences Conference in Portland. Yuck. #
- 10:36 Good to catch up with Anna Cummins & Marcus Eriksen of 5gyres.org this morning (@ Common Grounds Coffeehouse) 4sq.com/8hA2kd #
- 12:45 Great to meet @iknowtrash today #
- 13:15 I just unlocked the "Superstar" badge on @foursquare! 4sq.com/cjd1qR #
- 13:15 Brainstorming with @brennannovak again (@ Tinys Coffee) 4sq.com/8UV4r7 #
- 20:28 My first ever book club tonight. Bit odd to walk into group who know all my deepest darkest secrets, but led to great conversation. #
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 09:23 About to meet great-niece of Frank Samuelson, who rowed N Atlantic in 1896. (@ Common Grounds Coffeehouse) 4sq.com/8hA2kd #
- 12:22 Catchup with Brennan aka the Mayor (@ Floyd's Coffee - Old Town) 4sq.com/8Np0Mf #
- 17:46 TECH TEAM UPDATE: Roz's website will be down tonight for scheduled maintenance. Will update when complete. #
- 20:57 TECH TEAM UPDATE: Maintenance on Roz's site is done. Pls tell us if u have troubles. Mahalo! rozsavage.com #
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 07:43 iPad - test it and keep it. Surely too good to be true? www.facebook.com/pages/iPad-Beta-Test-It-and-Keep-It/316799782652 #
- 07:49 Wow! @olliebray has just ordered 30 copies of my book! He's using them in a school for an "adventure narrative project". #
- 10:05 Looking at selling eco-friendly "Savage" USB flash drive. What would excite you most? #
- 10:06 Looking at selling eco-friendly "Savage" USB flash drive. What would you want? 512MB for $20, 2G for $25, 4GB for $30, or 8GB for $50? #
- 10:29 No cake to day. Just had pre-row filling! (@ Dog River Coffee Co) 4sq.com/4sitWC #
- 13:03 Sheesh. Too absorbed in writing TED speech. 2 mins late to the meter and I got a ticket. Grrr. #
- 14:00 Thought I'd found more favourable winds for Tarawa-Australia in Nov-Feb. But that's cyclone season. Not good. #
- 17:41 Having a very constructive email exchange with Bill McKibben of @350. Figuring out how best to save the world... #
- 17:43 Oh cool! Just found out that President Anote Tong of Kiribati is going to speak at TED Galapagos. As am I! bit.ly/d2quc5 #
- 18:43 Enjoying Jon Bowermaster's film: Antarctica. Beautiful,but also sad. Penguin chicks shivering in rain rather than snow. bit.ly/azmAeR #
Monday, 22 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 08:09 More TED prep. More caffeine. (@ Fat Straw - Hawthorne) 4sq.com/3gYrzA #
- 10:09 You Can't Get To There From Here ff.im/-gk3Dr #
- 10:59 At last I've broken my bloglessness: You Can't Get To There From Here ff.im/-gk3Dr #
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 06:35 Post gym treat (@ Dog River Coffee Co) 4sq.com/4sitWC #
Saturday, 20 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 07:12 Arranging travel from Galapagos to Tarawa. Note from reps "We warn you that water may be choppy when travelling via speedboat". !!!! #
- 08:52 Conference calls on Skype (@ Dog River Coffee Co) 4sq.com/4sitWC #
- 17:48 Prepping for presentations for Nat Geo and TED. Live audience total: 7,600. Online audience total: up to you! Will keep you posted. #
- 18:04 Loving TED talk by Barry Schwartz: A wise person is like a jazz musician: using notes on page, but dancing around them. bit.ly/1aB27F #
- 18:34 Am about to watch Food Inc for the first time. Better eat something before I discover all the things I shouldn't eat ever again... #
- 18:56 Non-organic chicken was already off my menu since I returned to the US. Here's why. www.foodincmovie.com/ #
- 19:04 Thanks to @friendthefarmer for this link: friendofthefarmer.com/2009/07/what-to-eat-after-seeing-food-inc/. #
- 19:28 Americans born after 2000 have a 1 in 3 chance of early onset diabetes. Minority groups? 1 in 2 chance. How scary is that? #
- 19:33 "If we put glass walls on food-processing facilities, we would have a differ ent system." All about transparency & informed consumer choice. #
- 19:47 I didn't each much meat before, but now I won't eat it at all unless I KNOW where it's come from. www.foodincmovie.com/ #
- 20:09 Spent afternoon with friend who is off grid, grows her own food, etc. Am coming round to her point of view. www.foodincmovie.com/ #
- 20:21 "Individual consumers changed the biggest company on Earth" (Walmart). We CAN make the difference! www.foodincmovie.com/ #
- 20:27 Food Inc'd out now. Time for bed and No Impact Man . Don't tell his wife. us.macmillan.com/noimpactman #
Friday, 19 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 08:50 Votes cast so far mostly in favor of first soundtrack for the RozCast. Last chance to vote now! bit.ly/aEZsRz #
- 10:24 Sobering conversation with weatherman. I definitely have my work cut out to get to Australia. See wind charts: bit.ly/aspn6P #
- 16:02 Looking for cheap accommodation in Guayaquil, Ecuador, for 2-3 nights before TED Galapagos. Any recommendations? #
- 19:28 Am over halfway through book: No Impact Man. Brilliant. My life may never be the same again. #
Thursday, 18 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 05:46 Check out The Katerva Challenge–a global competition in cutting greenhouse gases. Companies compete, experts judge, people vote. Katerva.com #
- 05:50 Off to interview at CNET in Portland this morning. Mouth getting tired of all this talking. Stand by for coffee/Foursquare update! #
- 07:30 Pre interview caffeination - CNET (@ Portland Coffee House Broadway) 4sq.com/7AXub4 #
- 07:31 Ami's amazing rawfood shake + latte. Does that count as a balanced breakfast?! #
- 09:49 Thx to Anne at CNET for interview, including one of the best Qs I've ever been asked: "Are you now in the stroke seat of your life?" #
- 11:17 Lunch with Carol and Cyndie (@ Three degrees) 4sq.com/5Ctr2U #
- 13:02 Fun & funky, food looks great! Catching up with @brennannovak (@ Legare's w/ @brennannovak) 4sq.com/aCcjWE #
- 17:02 This waterproof, rugged, GPS camera looks pretty amazing! www.gobandit.com/. Could be the camera for me....! #
- 17:07 Trying to decide on best theme music for Pacific III videocasts. Please vote! (use ref, e.g. T013) bit.ly/aEZsRz #
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 10:48 Prep for meeting with Keen Footwear (@ Urban Grind - Pearl District) 4sq.com/5Y50Tv #
- 13:04 Love free cookie samples! (@ Lovejoy Bakers) 4sq.com/5vLyAa #
- 14:21 Need help: need to increase profile in Europe to get Keen interested in me. Who can help me with Euro PR? #
- 16:25 A vegan bar?! Drinks with Ami and Andy of Kickstarter (@ Bye and Bye) 4sq.com/7mEGnr #
- 17:46 Sustainable sushi heaven! (@ Bamboo Sushi) 4sq.com/8wqEZD #
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 10:40 Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe. - H. G. Wells #
- 11:20 I'm at Dog River Coffee Co (Oak St, 5th, Hood River). 4sq.com/4sitWC #
- 16:05 Fab value happy hour! (@ cebu bamboo lounge) 4sq.com/d7CQc9 #
- 20:19 Prosperity without planetary impact: Bill Gates Speaks. bit.ly/9DuYIh #
- 20:28 Chief Seattle ff.im/-g0E3N #
Monday, 15 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 09:02 Carrot bran muffin and latte with a heart on the foam. I <3 Dog River! (@ Dog River Coffee Co) 4sq.com/4sitWC #
- 15:54 Fascinating glimpse into China, with mind-boggling photographs. bit.ly/XXpSB #
- 17:01 Logistics for launch. Flight from Galapagos to Tarawa starts 1pm on April 10, ends 10am on April 13. Exhausted before row even starts! #
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 09:47 A few additional BB2B and Copenhagen items now available: bit.ly/6KnqGG. So if you missed out first time...! #
- 09:56 Please help my friend (and occasional tech support) Len raise money for Riders For Health in Africa. bit.ly/bBvJXq. #
- 10:16 How cool is this car?! bit.ly/4ZI0A9 - the GM Hy Wire. Even better if it could drive itself... #
- 12:51 The Unanticipated Joy of being Totally Stuck - aka the Art of Happiness. TED Talk: bit.ly/HY2L6 #
- 15:56 Every wondered about ocean rowboat s? Good article here, with cute pics of Katie Spotz's boat. Similar to mine. bit.ly/adrXpm #
- 18:56 Cute iPhone app called Stuck. Love the globe graphic! bit.ly/b9cnPV #
- 19:01 Just noticed interesting parallel on recent Tweets: Joy of Stuckness (bit.ly/HY2L6) and Stuck iPhone app. bit.ly/b9cnPV Hmmm! #
- 19:03 Major campaign to conquer email inbox after 10 hectic days on the road. Down from 120 messages to 9. Woot! #
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 04:46 A murky morning in San Francisco. Makes me a little less sad to be leaving. #
- 07:09 OMG. Over 4,000 tickets sold already for my Nat Geo presentations in Seattle. bit.ly/21P6m1. Exciting. But also a bit gulp-inducing! #
- 11:46 Just got recognized at the airport by a man who saw my film at Banff. Erk. Are my days of anonymity over?! #
- 20:30 Wonderful to be back in the gorgeous Columbia Gorge! 2 weeks in Hood River, OR, to decompress. Ahhhhh! #
Friday, 12 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 11:07 Huge thank you to all the kind folks who donated after the TWiT podcast. Compensates for the parking ticket I got while inside TWiT Cottage! #
- 11:39 Spent 3 hours sorting and packing stuff this morning. Yuck. But lots less now - Goodwill will be happy! #
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 06:00 On my way to TWiT Cottage in Petaluma to see @leolaporte and the gang. #
- 10:12 Quick lunch with @danegolden and @drkiki at the Tea Room Cafe. Talking sciency goodness! #
- 10:41 Heading into the TWiT studio now... "anything said in this room will be broadcast live"! #
- 11:50 Great to meet @drkiki at TWiT Cottage. Very excited to be working with her on next series of Roz Rows! #
- 11:51 But was so excited I forgot all about the car and have just found $45 parking ticket on the windscreen. Sigh. #
- 13:29 Discussing Satphone strategy ( i.e. Data modem) with Rob at RSSI in Santa Rosa. Pricey. tweetphoto.com/10988931 #
- 17:20 Listening to Beatle-ish tribute band at St Francis Yacht Club. Mixed feelings about guy from Tennessee pretending to be John Lennon... #
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 12:11 Big thanks to the fantastic kids and teachers of Sequoia High School. Great to meet you all this morning! #
- 12:53 Appropriate that the boat named after me was an "Explorer Single" bit.ly/bY1JCX #
- 14:42 At dentist. Never had nitrous oxide before. Is it aka laughing gas? Hahahaha! #
- 15:36 Nitrous oxide rocked my world! My dentist puts the #
- 15:39 My dentist puts the "dental" in transcendental!! #
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 09:38 Beautiful drive up Pacific Coast Highway from Santa Cruz to San Francisco. TomTom app on iPhone working well. #
- 13:21 @Aquapac interview posted online: bit.ly/aibSEK. I am Aquapac Outdoor Champ 2010 - do I get a tiara?! #
Monday, 8 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 13:18 Beautiful drive south to Monterey Peninsula. Visiting Copenhagen friend in Carmel. Dinner with Maarten Troost in Monterey later. #
- 13:31 Roz Savage alongside Marco Polo and Ernest Shackleton. Boats thus named by Warrington Rowing Club. tweetphoto.com/10731000 #
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 08:47 Back at Presidio Yacht Club for brunch presentation. Memories of departure under Golden Gate Bridge 2008. #
- 13:40 Fishy photos from last night's filmmakers' reception at the aquarium tweetphoto.com/10625099 #
- 13:42 Jellyfish photo - so pretty, but hapy they were the other side of Perspex! tweetphoto.com/10625237 #
- 13:43 Sharky shot tweetphoto.com/10625349 #
- 15:02 Thanks, Conhair, for the fab hair color! You've helped me look and feel a lot less frazzled! (Expressions Salon, Menlo Park) #
- 17:34 Meeting @michaelmeehan of @carbonetworks at Slanted Door tonight #
Saturday, 6 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 02:13 4 hours of sleep and I'm up at stupid o'clock to get to San Francisco for the Ocean Film Festival this afternoon! bit.ly/6EIXqc #
- 11:38 Am happily re-United (pun intended) with my lost luggage at SFO. #
- 13:49 Just over 4 hours left to bid on Copenhagen memorabilia. Bargains to be had! bit.ly/8Ca942 #
- 14:00 Apparently booboo on my hotel reservation. Still not booked in, and SFOFF event started 1 minute ago. Sigh. #
- 14:03 Seems there was a typo in last name on my reservation. Sausage or some such thing. #
- 19:30 Enjoying filmmakers reception at San Francisco Aquarium tweetphoto.com/10542199 #
Friday, 5 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 11:37 Fun this morning at Berry Creek Middle School. About 100 kids, and about 300 questions! #
- 11:44 Preparing for presentation tonight at www.vailsymposium.org/: Storms, Solitude & Sustainability #
- 13:16 Video of this morning's interview with TV8 in Vail: bit.ly/cHQW9H. I talk about the obituary exercise, ocean adventures, etc #
- 13:31 Love the Gratitude iPhone app - counts your blessings and suggests inspirational quotes. happytapper.com/ #
- 20:26 Ab fab evening at Vail Symposium tonight. Huge thanks to Carrie, Rob, Evan, and all the other Symposiumeers. #
- 20:33 3 TV interviews, 2 presentations, loads of questions - all in one day. Have used up my ration of words for the week. Anybody lend me some? #
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 03:05 Disaster. I am in SFO. My luggage is not. Anybody my size in Denver or Vail? #
- 04:43 Anybody familiar with Buffalo Exchange thrift store in Denver? Likely to have suitable outfit for Vail Symposium presentation? #
- 05:10 Thanks for Denver shopping tips! #
- 12:20 Outfit from airport, boots from Goodwill, underwear from Dollar Store. Hey, checked bags - who needs them?! #
- 12:22 Speedy lunch with Sarah and Lara (yes, THAT Lara!) of @larabar. A few yummy samples to take away in a Larabag. Thanks! #
- 12:38 Thanks, @davidwsaunders, for coming to the rescue! Coffee & chat had to become Mission Implausible to buy outfit after bags lost in transit. #
- 12:42 Almost daren't ask this, but what more do I have to lose? Backpack in Copenhagen, checked bags between Hawaii and San Francisco...! #
- 17:01 So it's a really bad idea to drink at altitude? Especially when you have an interview at 7.30am? #
- 17:49 Just had a great chat with @slowpaddler miami2maine.com/- she's about to arrive in Hawaii. Give her a warm aloha! #
- 17:50 Now I'm off to bed. Plentiful water imbibed to compensate for altitude and alcohol. Will be fine and feisty for 7.30am interview tomorrow! #
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 09:51 Upcoming Appearances ff.im/-fhwvL #
- 10:21 Charter for Compassion: charterforcompassion.org/ via @addthis #
- 13:58 Mariner's Weather ff.im/-ficsU #
- 16:41 Track This iphone app is invaluable in tracking delivery of expedition provisions. Not easy - I'm such a moving target! bit.ly/do7jwt #
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 08:30 For ocean fans, a cool new blog from Julia Whitty, author of The Fragile Edge. bit.ly/c0GyVJ #
- 08:32 Stunning manatee photos: bit.ly/drQlMk. Like this one. tweetphoto.com/10179570 #
- 08:58 Oooh, I just noticed my book is available on the Kindle. Bargain price of $9.99 - you'll never get better value! :-) ! bit.ly/bdGNe8 #
- 17:30 Check out these Copenhagen collectibles - as first collected by me in December. bit.ly/6KnqGG #
Monday, 1 February 2010
Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter
This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
- 08:20 Standing at top of steep hill behind ranch house on Hawaii's Big Island. Glorious panorama (Pano iPhone app) tweetphoto.com/10099682 #
- 10:58 The last day of January - ALREADY! Where is the year going? Just 2.5 months before I launch. And still no cash sponsor. Yikes! #
- 18:51 Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself ff.im/-fbrVb #
- 18:51 Solio Magnesium Edition Universal Solar Hybrid Charger ff.im/-fbrV9 #
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