Saturday, 20 February 2010

Roz's Day - Postings from Twitter

This is a digest of today's Twitter postings.
  • 07:12 Arranging travel from Galapagos to Tarawa. Note from reps "We warn you that water may be choppy when travelling via speedboat". !!!! #
  • 08:52 Conference calls on Skype (@ Dog River Coffee Co) #
  • 17:48 Prepping for presentations for Nat Geo and TED. Live audience total: 7,600. Online audience total: up to you! Will keep you posted. #
  • 18:04 Loving TED talk by Barry Schwartz: A wise person is like a jazz musician: using notes on page, but dancing around them. #
  • 18:34 Am about to watch Food Inc for the first time. Better eat something before I discover all the things I shouldn't eat ever again... #
  • 18:56 Non-organic chicken was already off my menu since I returned to the US. Here's why. #
  • 19:04 Thanks to @friendthefarmer for this link: #
  • 19:28 Americans born after 2000 have a 1 in 3 chance of early onset diabetes. Minority groups? 1 in 2 chance. How scary is that? #
  • 19:33 "If we put glass walls on food-processing facilities, we would have a differ ent system." All about transparency & informed consumer choice. #
  • 19:47 I didn't each much meat before, but now I won't eat it at all unless I KNOW where it's come from. #
  • 20:09 Spent afternoon with friend who is off grid, grows her own food, etc. Am coming round to her point of view. #
  • 20:21 "Individual consumers changed the biggest company on Earth" (Walmart). We CAN make the difference! #
  • 20:27 Food Inc'd out now. Time for bed and No Impact Man . Don't tell his wife. #
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